#1 Python Tutorial for Beginners

 Hello Guys,

         In this tutorial , we are starting programming lanaguage. His name is python. I think you have heard about it. It's rise of with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. You can easily learn  Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence using Python language. I think you have doubt  is Python easy to learn? Yes it's  easy to learn. we are starting with python basics.

Let's get started.

What is Python?

         Python is a simple and easy understand language which feels like reading simple english. This Pseudo Code nature of python makes it easy to learn and understandable by beginners. It is High-Level Dynamic Programming Language. Python is invented by Guido van Rossum. It is readable and open source. It is being the most growing language.

Features of Python:

   Python features is listed below:

  • Easy to code
  • Free and Open Source
  • Object-Oriented Language
  • Graphical User Interface(GUI) Programming Support
  • High-Level Language
  • Extensible feature
  • Python is Portable Language
  • Interpreted Language
  • Large Standard Library
  • Dynamically Typed Language

I think you have doubt , What can you do if you know python? Well you have number of options to choose from.
  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet of things
  • Web Development
  • Data Visualization
  • Automation


   Python can be easily installed from python.org website. When you click on the download button, Python can be installed  right after you complete the setup by executing the file for your System.

IDE for Python:

  • IDE Stands for Integrated Development Environment.
  • Python has many IDE like PyDev , PyCharm , Sublime Text , Visual Studio Code , Vim , GNU/Emacs , Atom etc.
  • PyCharm is developed by JetBrains. It is Active Community Support. PyCharm is the best IDE I have ever used. PyCharm is an IDE for Professional Developers.

Let's write our first python program. Create a file called hello.py and paste the below code on it.

        print ('Hello World')

Execute this file by typing python hello.py and you will be see Hello World printed on the screen.

Python Basics:


  • A Modules is a file, that containing code written by someone else. Which can be imported and used in our programs. we can also called External Library.
  • There are Two Types of modules in python. Built-in and External modules
  • Built-in modules means pre installed modules in python. Built-in modules some examples are os, abc, cmd etc.
  • External modules means need to installed modules in python. External modules some examples are playsound , flask etc.


  • pip is the package manager for python you can use pip to install a module on your system.

We can install external modules using pip command  in python. Install modules using below syntax:
       pip install module_name

Question: How to installed playsound external module in python and Excecute that module in python program?
       Step 1: Perfrom below command in terminal.
                       pip install playsound

       Step 2: Write below code in your editor  
from playsound import playsound

  • playsound modules is used to play audio file using python in your system.
  • Please define your audio file path in playsound method.


  • Comments are used to write something which the programmer does not want to execute.
  • There are two types of comment in python. Single line comments and Multi line comments. 
  • we can write Single line comment using # tag. 
  • we can write Multi line comment using  ' ' ' tag.

# Single-Line Comment

print ('Hello World')

   Multi-Line Comments



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