How to create Animated Recyclerview in Android ?

Hello Guys , 

    In this tutorial , we are making another animated app. we are making animated recyclerview app. Animated Recyclerview app making beautiful interface.  At this time animation is must require in application because his making more attractive. 

   Animated Recyclerview app is looking like below picture:

Let's get started.

Step 1 : Create a new Project.

Step 2 :  Edit activity_main.xml file.

  • Here we added Recyclerview under  Relative Layout.

Step 3 :  Create a custom layout list_item.xml file. 

  • Here we create new layout for making recyclerview item for making attractive. In this layout we are using cardview under relativelayout.

Step 4 :  Create class.

Step 5 :  Create class.
  • This is class is created for set data in recyclerview and get data from recyclerview.

Step 6 : Implement class file.

Output :

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