Hello Guys ,
In previous tutorial you learned about Dictionary , Nested Dictionary , Dictionary Method , set and set Method in python.
In this tutorial you will learn below points:
- if statement
- if-else statement
- Nested if-else statement
- elif statement
- pass statement
If Statement
- if statement is the simple decision making statement.
- if certain condition is met then a true block statement is executed.
- if statement is written using "if" keyword.
- else statement is optional.
Example :
A = 10
if(A == 10):
print("This is equal to 10")
#else statement is optional
This is equal to 10
If-else Statement
- if certain condition is met then a true block statement is executed and otherwise else block executed.
- else block is optional.
Example :
a = 20
b = 30
if (a > b):
print(a ,"is greater than", b)
print(b ,"is greater than" ,a)
Output :
30 is greater than 20
Nested If-else Statement
- if statement inside another if statement called "nested if-else statement".
- In this statement (outside)if condition is check if it's true then inside if statement condition check and it's true then inside if statement block executed otherwise inside else statement block executed.
- (outside) if statement condition is false then outside else block executed.
#find maximum number
A = 20
B = 50
C = 40
if(A > B):
if(A > C):
print(A,"is maximum number")
print(C , "is maximum number")
if(B > C):
print(B ,"is maximum number")
print(C , "is maximum number")
Output :
50 is maximum number
elif Statement
- In this statement you can create multiple condition options.
- In this statement if condition is check if it's false then check another condition if that condition is true then statement executed . if no one condition is true then else block excuted.
- elif statement create using "elif" keyword. we can create elif statement after if statement.
Example :
A = 30
if (A > 20):
print(A , "is greater than given number ")
elif (A == 20):
print(A , "is equal to given number ")
print(A , "is less than to given number")
Output :
30 is greater than given number
Pass Statement
- pass is null statement.
- pass statement does not effect to result.
- if you create if statement with no content and use pass statement avoid getting an error.
- pass statement actually use for if you want to implement in future.
Example :
'''if statement cannot be empty.
But you have some reason you create
if statement with no content. put in the
pass statement avoid getting an error.'''
A = 2
B = 5
if(A > B):
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